

At the core of everything we are, and everything we do, is the GOSPEL: the Good News that in the midst of our brokenness, and hopelessness, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save sinners like us. We want this promise to be at the center of the life of Redeemer. Whether it is the songs we sing, the sermons we preach, the discussion in our discipleship groups, or the motivation for why and how we love our communities, the Gospel should and will always be at the forefront of our minds. 


God’s generous love for His church calls us to generously love one another within COMMUNITY.  

We place a high value on gathering to share laughter, tears, and life together. Through the Gospel, we are learning how to be honest, vulnerable, forgiving, and truly encouraging one another towards Jesus. True change happens in the context of discipleship within community, and we’re expecting to see God work through our community to heal and restore.

As you take steps into the life of the church, we invite you to take steps towards the PEOPLE of the church. Come to a Bible Study, a game night, a retreat, and consider joining a discipleship group. May the Holy Spirit mold us into a people that look like Jesus, as we lean deeper into friendship community.


The Gospel calls us to “love our NEIGHBOR as ourselves.” We must first know our neighbor, so we place a high emphasis on simply being present in our communities. We also place a high value on rooting ourselves in the practice of robust biblical hospitality. At church on a Sunday morning, we want to welcome neighbors into church. To do this well, we must recognize that people are coming to church with their joys and fears, gifts and wounds, enthusiasm and trepidations and all of that is OK! As a diverse community, we place a high emphasis on inviting people to bring their cultural and ethnic differences with them into church. Instead of asking everyone to assimilate into one homogenous group, we long for Redeemer to look and feel as much like the Kingdom of God as possible...and the Kingdom is a diverse and beautiful group of people! More than anything we want Redeemer to be a place where you can come as you, feel valued and welcome, to hear and experience the love of Jesus.