The Overwhelming Impact of Global Grief: Embracing a localized Emotional Economy
by Pastor Leon McKenzie on July 10th, 2024
Grief used to be a local and communal experience, shared by families and community members directly affected. Of course, major events would have a broader impact, but they were the exception rather than the norm. Today, we are constantly bombarded with loss and tragedy that is far removed from our personal contexts. We are expending an excessive amount of emotional energy, leaving very little capacity to process our own grief.  Read More
Grant us the Spirit
by Ruby Bleeker on July 8th, 2024
And of course, more often than not, I can easily think the wrong things and do the wrong things. It's why I'm grateful today for a prompted prayer that has me asking the Spirit to do this work in me. I can not do it on my own is a lesson I continually learn and just as continually forget.  Read More
Enjoy: Finding the Freedom to Delight Daily in God's Good Gifts
by Pastor Drew Henley on July 1st, 2024
"Enjoy: Finding the Freedom to Delight Daily in God's Good Gifts" by Trillia Newbell is a GREAT read. Through practical advice, biblical wisdom, and plenty of laughs, Newbell encourages us to cultivate gratitude, dodge the joy-stealers, and find delight in everything from the mundane to the miraculous. Ultimately, she points to Jesus as the eternal joy-giver, inviting us to live with hearts full of gratitude and eyes wide open to God’s daily blessings. So, go on, enjoy life like it’s one big divine gift from God—because that’s exactly what it is!  Read More
by Bella Bowers on June 24th, 2024
Good as an adjective is defined as “to be desired or approved of.” But, good as a noun is defined as “that which is morally right; righteousness” and a “benefit or advantage to someone or something.” I tend to view things as being good only if I desire or approve of them. With this viewpoint, I center myself as having the final say in what is good for me. But, good as a noun asks me to look outside of myself, to consider what is beneficial and morally right.  Read More
Works of Faith
by David Gordon on June 17th, 2024
God’s good isn’t always top of mind for me. When I’m distracted by my own desires, perceived needs, priorities or preferences, I tend to bypass those I see around me who could use a little bit of God’s good things. Too often I neglect to work, labor, and endure; this neglect is probably due to my lack of focus on faith, hope and love.  Read More
Quiet Confidence & Godly Peace
by Ruby Bleeker on June 10th, 2024
May we be a church filled to the brim with the quiet confidence and godly peace to serve God out of the abundance of order He has bestowed on us! Not looking back like Lot's wife out of fear, but looking forward like Mary to the order of the coming kingdom!   Read More
June 2024 || How to Know a Person
by Drew Henley on June 7th, 2024
For our inaugural book, I've chosen a text that I mentioned in a recent sermon: David Brooks' "How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen.” When we think about Redeemer, we long for church to be a space where people are not only welcomed but earnestly sought after, known, and genuinely loved. But how do we actually do this?!?!   Read More
The Protector of All
by Caroline Kolts on June 3rd, 2024
We are wholly dependent on Him for strength each day and to be set apart for Him as holy. But the good news is: it’s not a BAD kind of dependent. It’s the only dependent relationship in this life where the one side is fully able and fully meant to hold the other side up. Praise be!  Read More
There is no "I" in Team
by Chris Sherwood on May 28th, 2024
if you are facing adversity, I pray you know that you are not alone. I pray our community would be one where we are more about the we than the me. May the Lord give us all the desire to intercede through deed and truth to each other and may the body collectivity be comforted through one another by His mighty aid.   Read More
Never Failing Support
by Ruby Bleeker on May 20th, 2024
Since Christ has already died for my repeated sins, I'm guaranteed not to fail. I'm not left to wonder if I'll ever learn to ride the bike. Which means that I can in absolute certainty declare " O Lord, you NEVER FAIL to support and govern those whom you bring up in your steadfast love and fear".  Read More
Left with Comfort
by Caroline Kolts on May 13th, 2024
This little nugget of a prayer reminds us that the God who made us knows when we need comfort. Just like the disciples, we are often left gaping mouthed at circumstances, “How can this possibly work out, Lord? How can this be good or end well or bring you glory?” In God’s kindness, he assured the disciples that they wouldn’t be without a Helper. They would “receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:8) and be witnesses to neighbors close by and far off.   Read More
Begin with the End in Mind
by Chris Sherwood on May 6th, 2024
May that relational love that God first loved you with (ref. 1 John 4:19) enable you to live with your end in mind so you can do what you cannot do on your own - become a person of agape. And as the collect prayer says, may you “exceed all that we can desire” by abiding in His love.   Read More



