Posts with the tag “collect-devotional”

Walk in the Way of Suffering
by Caroline Kolts on March 25th, 2024
Now, we come to the Collect for this week and I hear us all praying “mercifully grant that we may walk in the way of his suffering” and I feel my heart ache with the dissonance of it. In order to pray honestly that God would in His mercy grant that I may walk in his suffering footsteps, I must become the type of person who seeks to love and obey God above all other things. I must be formed in the image of the Son and be re-formed out of habits and rhythms and desires that are centered on my comfort.   Read More
He Alone is Able
by Ben Rybolt on March 18th, 2024
The Collect, shares a big problem: How to bring into order the unruly wills and affections of sinners? I cannot solve the problem of my own unruly will much less the unruly wills of my brothers and sisters. Faced with such a big problem, I feel powerless.   Read More
Restless Hearts
by Ruby Bleeker on March 4th, 2024
If things around me are disordered, I am unable to rest. Something I've never considered prior to reading the collect for this week, is that the same is true of my heart. The request that our Heavenly Father will purify our disordered affections comes on the heels of acknowledging that our hearts are restless.  Read More
Powered for a Holy & Faithful Life
by Pastor Mac on February 26th, 2024
Christian living is a collaborative effort between God and His redeemed people. This isn’t a secret since every Christian experiences this daily. This isn’t a secret since every Christian experiences this daily.  Read More



